1st Blog Anniversary Giveaway

Sunday, May 12, 2013
Hello dear readers! Sorry for the long hiatus. My clerkship schedule has been really crazy. I've got several backlogs as well but I promise to post them real soon.

Anyway, the great news is (drum roll please)... 

It's been a year since I started my blog! Woot woot! My personal blog has been a picture of how I spent the very few free cuts I got from being a mom and a medical student at the same time. And in celebration of my 1st year of blogging, I'm hosting yet another humble giveaway and sending out a ton of awesome stuff to my faithful readers. I am very lucky and honored to have been sponsored by these generous sponsors so before I start with my giveaway, let me send a shout-out to Ms. France of Caronia Phils, Ms. Chin of Chicify, Ms. Joan of Personalized Accessories, Ms. Marianne of Thrifty Mama Shoppe, Ms. Lei of Flawless Beauty Online and Ms. Kerstie of Cocomo Clothing, thank you for your utmost support!

Because my anniversary date, which is May 12, also falls on a Mother's day, I personally bundled my prizes to include stuff for all the awesome mothers who will be joining my giveaway.

On to the good stuff, here are the amazing prizes made possible by our generous sponsors. 

P500 worth of products from Caronia Philippines

P500 Gift Certificate from Personalized Accessories
Beauty soaps from Flawless Beauty Online 

(1) Cloth Diaper from Thrifty Mama Shoppe

P500 Gift Certificate from Cocomo Clothing

 Klementyna Dress in blue from Chicify

I have bundled them into 2 packages, you'll see the list of prizes on the Rafflecopter form below. Aside from these 2 winners, I will also be choosing not 1 but 2 consolation prize winners of 2 gift packs from Caronia Philippines (same as the loot in the photo posted above).  How awesome is that?

In order to enter the giveaway, please use the Rafflecopter form below. Kindly follow ALL the mandatory steps so you won’t get disqualified. I will be personally checking whether or not you followed the mandatory steps. The names of the winners will be displayed after the giveaway ends and will be notified via twitter. The winners will have 48 hours to respond or else another winner will be drawn.  

Prize bundle #1: a Rafflecopter giveaway  
Prize bundle # 2:a Rafflecopter giveaway  
Deadline of entries is on June 14, 2013 at exactly 12 NN. This contest is open to Philippine residents only. I will be personally shipping the prizes to the lucky winners, except for Metro Manila residents-- you should be available for pick-up at the following areas: Robinson’s Ermita, SM Manila or Festival Mall-Alabang.

Good luck, everyone!


  1. jawsmayobanico said...:

    Name: Jawaher Banico
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/jawsmbanico?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @jawsbanico

  1. joy said...:

    Name: Joy Adalia
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/joy.bertoldo.adalia?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @chemist2writer

  1. Diosa Aguila said...:

    Name: Diosa Marie Aguila
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/aguiladm03?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @aguiladm03

  1. Maricar Canillas Saladino

  1. purpel said...:

    Henley Tabal

  1. mayla lagrimas said...:

    Mayla Lagrimas

  1. Unknown said...:

    Kathleen Jane Reyes

  1. tenderloise said...:


  1. JC said...:

    Name: JC Miguel
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/OOOOOKay?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @_itsjyc

  1. Crystal Cruz said...:

    Name: Crystal Cruz
    facebook url:https://www.facebook.com/crystal.cruz.9231
    twitter name:@crystahal

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Name: Marsha Torres
    Facebook url:https://www.facebook.com/marsha.torres27?ref=tn_tnmn

  1. acodeza said...:

    Arra Odeza

  1. Name:sherry ann gole cruz
    Facebook url:http://www.facebook.com/sherryann1022?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @annkharize

  1. Marsha Torres said...:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Unknown said...:

    Cecille Capatan

  1. Unknown said...:

    Vanessa Rose Palacio

  1. Unknown said...:

    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/ILhabmHaiPAYAT?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name:@SheenaMaeSolmay

  1. heyitsmeyani said...:

    ariane dela Cruz

  1. Joy said...:

    Lovely Joy Merced

  1. Jea said...:

    Jea Blancaflor

  1. Unknown said...:

    name: helen gatbonton
    fb url; https://www.facebook.com/jhendhet/posts/279964992140581
    twitter username:@jhendhet

  1. Nia said...:

    Aine Garcia
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/ainyxi
    Twitter: @ainyxi

  1. Name: Jill said...:

    Name: Jillianne Pardo
    FB post URL: https://www.facebook.com/jill.pardo/posts/10151681261231383
    Twitter: @jilltaz8

  1. Gie Cruz said...:

    Name: Gie Cruz
    Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/mikeegie14?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: @edgiecruz

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Erlhyn Padilla
    Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/lynne.padilla.14?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: @lynneveigh

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Leah Mendoza

  1. lyrahc said...:

    Charyl Genterola

  1. Unknown said...:

    Belinda Ibanez
    Twitter name: @bieance

  1. Unknown said...:

    Mikee Mae V. Garcia

  1. leo said...:

    leo rances garcia



  1. Unknown said...:

    dianne david

  1. maricris abarabar said...:

    Maricris T. Abarabar
    twitter: @MTAbarabar

  1. Unknown said...:

    Mikee Cruz

  1. Name: Stephanie Lee
    FB: http://www.facebook.com/stephanie.deguzman.102?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: @yabs20

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name : Rozelle Reyes
    FB : https://www.facebook.com/Rozzie.Zelle?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter : @rozzie04

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Name: Kristine Buenaventura FB URL: https://www.facebook.com/kristine.buenaventura21 twitter : @kirstenhart21

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Antonieta Magaway
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/nanethmagaway
    Twitter name:@nanethmagaway

  1. Name: Maria May Ochea
    Facebook url:https://www.facebook.com/mariamay.amolo?ref=tn_tnmn Twitter name: @itsMAY89

  1. Unknown said...:

    Ruth Orinoco

  1. Kaye Orinoco said...:


  1. Yraz said...:

    Name: Zary Orata Azucena

  1. Eda Li A. Lim said...:

    Name: Eda Li A. Lim
    Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/edali.lim?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: eda_li

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Name: Ellaine Ruth Reyes-Uy Wan
    Facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/Hahaziah?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: ellahahaziah

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Anna Liza Razon
    Facebook url: http://www.facebook.com/AnaLiezelRazo
    Twitter name: @AnaRazon

  1. Name : Eve Tizzam L. Anastaacio
    FB uri : https://www.facebook.com/?q=#/eve.tizzam?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter : @_Tizzam

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Stacey Lee
    Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/?q=#/stacey.lee.9250595?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: @Staysi_lly

  1. Wilma Garcia said...:

    Wilma V. Garcia

  1. said...:

    Fb: http://facebook.com/toni.regs
    Twitter: @skittlintoni

  1. Unknown said...:

    Anna Ayao

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Leny del Gallego Martinez
    Fb.URL: https://www.facebook.com/lenyd.g.m/posts/10201408702287978

  1. Janice Que said...:

    Janice Que

  1. Unknown said...:

    Dovi Amor Sabong

  1. Unknown said...:

    Erica M. Baylosis
    twitter: @EricaBaylosis
    facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erica.baylosisii?ref=tn_tnmn

  1. Liberty Floro said...:

    Name:Liberty Floro

    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/luth.floro?ref=tn_tnmn

    Twitter name: @FloroLuth

  1. Liberty Floro said...:

    Name: Liberty Floro
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/luth.floro?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @FloroLuth

  1. Vezmikaj Olo said...:

    Name: Vezmikaj Olo
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/meetmeparis?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @VezmikajOlo

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Princess Loredee Gabot

  1. Unknown said...:

    GFC/Name: Mary Ann Cueto
    FBUrl: https://www.facebook.com/mscueto
    Twitter: @meanne:artworks

  1. K Yap

  1. a said...:


  1. Lisa Q said...:

    Elisa Q
    Facebook url: http://www.facebook.com/chikungqi
    Twitter name: @tayobong

  1. Rhania E. said...:

    Rhania Chang
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/delightful19
    Twitter name: @rhaindropz

  1. macky maranan said...:

    macky regina maranan

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Abegail B Licayan
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/abbyandrichard?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name : @abby0414

  1. Jessamer Abing said...:

    Name: JEssamer Abing
    Facebook url:https://www.facebook.com/jessamerabing?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @jexxaaaaaa

  1. Kimberly Tiu said...:

    Kimberly Camille Tiu

  1. Unknown said...:

    Jamelle Katrina Castro

  1. Jimmy Galang said...:

    Name: Jimmy Galang
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.23galang
    Twitter name: @TotiGalang

  1. Emcel Fajardo said...:

    Maricel Fajardo

  1. Eddielli said...:

    Eddielli Bungay

  1. zoan said...:

    Joanne Gonzales
    fb url: http://www.facebook.com/zoan21?ref=tn_tnmn
    twitter name: @zoan721

  1. Unknown said...:

    Julie-Ann Sta. Ines

  1. Eddielli said...:

    Ma. Eddielli R. Bungay

  1. Unknown said...:

    Emilie P. Udasco
    FB URL: http://www.facebook.com/ElieciOus?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: @Eliecious

  1. Unknown said...:

    Mary Louise C. Sanchez
    Twitter : @louisesanchez07

  1. Valerice said...:

    Ma. Clarice Lao

  1. Jek Panerio said...:

    Jek Panerio

  1. NESYAAA said...:

    Name: Aysen Achurra Asuero
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/aysen.sation
    Twitter name: @nesyaaa08

  1. Unknown said...:


  1. Jathnielsworld said...:

    Rachel Anne Del Rosario

  1. Unknown said...:

    Marlene R. Yanga


  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Ronilia Villagarcia
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/nelia.taborda
    Twitter Name: @neliataborda

  1. Unknown said...:

    Marlene Yanga

  1. Facebook: Nadine Diamante
    Twitter: @NadineDiamante

  1. reindrops said...:

    Reina Tee
    https://www.facebook.com/reinatee (Feather Mist)

  1. Nina said...:

    Name: Nina Mercado
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/moniname?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @ninaako

  1. Jessie Abing said...:

    Jessiemer ABing

  1. Name: Camille Quiambao
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vintagekawaii.onlineshop?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter: @cgquiambao

  1. gayle sy said...:

    Abigail Sy

  1. diane said...:

    Diana Beatima

  1. mhoie1325 said...:

    Name: Ma. Elinor Semira
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/elinor.semira
    Twitter name: @maydoll77

  1. Unknown said...:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Unknown said...:

    Polinda Usero

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/polinda.usero

    Twitter: @nicholettes

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Quisma Yasin-Valdez
    Facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/qs.place.1?ref=tn_tnmn
    Twitter name: @quey143

  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Jennylyn Pranada-Bautista
    Facebook URL:http://www.facebook.com/bernalyn.jennylyn
    Twitter Name: @pranads

  1. Mizi said...:

    Mirzi Sarte

  1. Sannydrops said...:

    Name: Facebook url: Twitter name:

    Roselle Labitad

  1. Unknown said...:

    Cherry Ann Punzal

  1. peachy said...:

    Czar Llenos

  1. Unknown said...:

    Ana Darato


  1. Unknown said...:

    Name: Joyce Gabriel
    FB - Joyce Gabriel
    TW - https://twitter.com/gabiejz8/status/348230126422618112

  1. Anonymous said...:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Mizi said...:

    Thank you so much :) Can I claim my prize on meet up at Festival?t hank you po :)

    Mirzi Sarte

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